Field Trips

School Field Trips


A trip to the Challenge Center is the trip they will talk about all year! Bringing your class to the Challenge Course is fun and educational!

Challenge Center programs are designed to:

  • Build Confidence
  • Encourage Communication
  • Foster Teamwork
  • Promote Wellness & Physical Activity

All field trips are customizable. If you have specific requests, concerns, or questions, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Student Climbing

Peak Adventures field trips are always a HIT! 

Dear Peak Adventure Staff, thank you for letting us have our field trip at Peak Adventures. It was the best field trip of my life! I enjoyed playing all the games on the ground, watching friends, and supporting them. I think the class got to know each other much better. I know I did. I will always remember your kindness. I hope to come again soon! ” Samantha (p.s. thanks for being awesome!)

1/2 Day Programs (3 hours)

Some schools want an opportunity to explore Sac State, with a fun and exciting stop at the Challenge Course! This 1/2 day program is the perfect way to start your morning, eat lunch at our facility, then tour Sac State’s beautiful campus on your own in the afternoon. 

1/2 Day – All Highs

For groups who want to have fun and experience personal challenge and growth. Max 60 participants.

  • 30-minute orientation (Safety Briefing, Harnessing + Practice)
  • 2.5+ Hours of Climbing
  • On-site picnic tables available for lunches

1/2 Day – All Lows

For groups who want to leave with stronger connections and communication skills. Max 60 Participants.

  • 30-minute ice breaker 
  • 1.5 hours of facilitated games and team challenges
  • 30 minute debrief to reflect on what we learned
  • On-site picnic tables available for lunches

1/2 Day – Combo (Highs + Lows)

For groups who want a taste of the Challenge Center. Max 30 Participants.

  • 30-minute ice breaker 
  • 30 minutes of facilitated games and team challenge
  • 30-minute orientation (Safety Briefing, Harnessing)
  • 1 Hour of Climbing
  • 10-minute debrief to reflect on what we learned
  • On-site picnic tables available for lunches


Full Day programs (6 hours)

If you are looking for the full Challenge Course experience, the full day is for you! This program includes facilitated team-building activities designed to help students make connections and work on communication, followed by exciting personal challenges on the high ropes! 

  • 2 hours of facilitated team building & low ropes
  • 30 minute lunch break (food not provided)
  • 30-minute orientation (Safety Briefing, Harnessing)
  • 2+ Hours of Climbing
  • 30 minute debrief to reflect on what we learned
  • On-site picnic tables available for lunches

Jumping at the course

st marys at the course

student doing lows

Article Tanner Landon

Field Trips to The Peak Adventures Challenge Center at Sac State

An Unmatched Learning Experience

The education landscape is evolving, and teachers are constantly searching for educational field trip ideas that can supplement classroom learning. Look no further than the Peak Adventures Challenge Center at California State University, Sacramento, the ideal destination for enriching students’ education with practical experiences.

A hand-written note from a student about the Peak Adventures Challenge Center saying: Dear Peak Adventures Staff, thank you for letting us have our field trip at peak adventure. it was the best field trip of my life! I enjoyed playing all the games on the ground, and watching friends, and supporting them. I think the class got to know eachother much better, I know I did. I will always remember your kindness. I hope to come again soon! :) - Samantha (ps thanks for being awesome!)


Challenge Center Qualifications

ASI Peak Adventures holds current ACCT membership & the Challenge Center adheres strictly to the guidelines as outlined by the most recent ANSI/ACCT 03-2016 Challenge Course and Canopy/Zip Line Standards.

Membership #: 26467504

Non-Profit Status

ASI Peak Adventures is a  501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Tax I.D. number: 94-1347023