
Supporting Sac State students!


Supporting Sac State students has never been easier. Your contribution can have a lasting impact on their lives. ASI Peak Adventures, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, is dedicated to providing the highest quality experiential education to Sac State students at the lowest possible cost. Your donations, no matter the size, make a tremendous difference!

Monetary donations: Empower Students through Adventure!

Monetary donations directly support the ASI Peak Adventures Diversity Scholarship! A program that reduces the financial barrier for students looking to increase their physical, social, and mental wellness by making meaningful connections with others, and with nature, on a Peak Adventures outdoor trip.

To Donate Online:

  1. Click “Donate Online”.
  2. Select “ASI Donations”.
  3. Select “ASI Peak Adventures Donation”.

(Note: Recurring payments are not available at this time, but your one-time donation will go a long way.)

Gear Donations: Equip Students for Outdoor Adventures!

We gladly accept gear donations to bolster our program and provide the necessary equipment for our students. All gear donations must be checked in by our Outdoor Adventure Manager. Contact us today to schedule a convenient drop-off.

Bicycle Donations: Wheels for Students in Need!

We also welcome bicycle donations to assist Sac State students who require reliable transportation. Bikes can make a world of difference in their daily lives. To donate a bicycle, please coordinate with our Bike Shop Coordinator, who will ensure that your contribution reaches deserving students. Contact us today to schedule a drop-off.


Remember, your generous donations are tax-deductible. If you require documentation for tax purposes, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Join us in making a positive impact on the lives of Sac State students. Your support enables them to thrive and excel. Donate today and help shape a brighter future!

A group of smiling students standing in front of Lake Tahoe on a hike.