Avalanche Awareness Clinic
Join us for this Know Before You Go clinic. Made possible by the Nickolay Dodov Foundation and presented Casey Glaubman. Avalanches don’t just happen to extreme athletes – they can happen to anyone skiing, snowboarding, snowmobiling, hiking, driving, hunting, bike riding, and more. Many victims don’t know how to spot the warning signs of dangerous snow and are unprepared to deal with an avalanche. Join us as we discuss all things related to avalanche safety, including preparation and prevention, and have more confidence getting out on your next winter adventure!
Open to the public!
Date: February 17th 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Join Via zoom: https://csus.zoom.us/j/81542930584
Made possible by: ASI Peak Adventures, the Nickolay Dodov Foundation, Sac State Ski & Snowboard Team, Sac State Ski & Snowboard Club