Bike Blog
5 Benefits of Bike Commuting for College Students at Sac State
Are you a college student at Sac State looking for a sustainable and convenient way to commute to campus? Consider bike commuting! Riding your bike to campus can offer numerous benefits that can positively impact your physical health, mental well-being, and overall college experience. Here are five compelling reasons why bike commuting can be advantageous for college students at Sac State.
Bike Commuting in Sacramento
Bike Commuting Basics
Riding to class or work has many benefits for your health, your wallet, and the planet! Here’s some info to get you on the road.
How to: Wrap Bike Handlebars
New bar tape can make your bike feel…. new! With hundreds of colors and designs to choose from, this simple upgrade will also give your bike a fresh new look. Wrapping bars is a skill. If it’s your first time, take it nice and slow.
Watch the video below to learn the art of the bar wrap!
How to: Fix a Flat
In this week’s Bike Shop video, Bicycle Technician Emery gives a basic overview of how to fix a flat tire on your bicycle. We cover what tools you need, how to remove the wheel, how to replace the tube, proper inflation, and how to put your wheel back on.
Home Bike Maintenance
The perfect COVID-19 social distancing activity
It’s important to keep your bicycle in good condition. Maintaining your bicycle is great for your safety and the longevity of your bike. A quick run-through your bicycle will help ensure your bike is safe and reliable for years to come. An easy way to make sure your bike is in good working order is to do an ABC Quick Check. If you are ever uncertain or not confident repairing your bike alone, please refer to a bicycle professional.
ABC Quick Check Video