Outdoor Trip Photography Volunteer
All declared Photography Majors are eligible to volunteer as a photographer and attend one free outdoor trip in Fall 2021! Each trip has one volunteer spot available and is first-come-first-serve. Unclaimed photography volunteer spots will be opened to the public two weeks before the start of the trip.
Click Here for a full list of trips.
For a list of available trips, please contact tannerlandon@csus.edu.
Each photographer volunteer is responsible for:
- Providing ASI Peak Adventures with 12 edited digital photos
from the trip
- Photos aesthetic can vary depending on the trip and the photographer’s personal style but should highlight the location, the participants, & include at least one group shot
- We have a DSLR available if you do not have one
- Final edits are due no later than one week after the trip
- You grant ASI Peak Adventures non-exclusive rights to use photos
- Photos should be uploaded in high quality .JPEG format here: https://www.peakadventures.org/photos
- Attending the trip
- Please give one week’s notice of cancellations
- Unexcused cancellations will disqualify your ability to volunteer on future trips
- Each spot is taking away from another student who could have had a great time!
- Attending a 10-minute pre-trip zoom meeting with our Outdoor Trip Manager and Marketing Specialist
- Filling out all forms
Interested? Please fill out the form below and we will contact you with the next steps.