Fighting COVID-19 With Outdoor Gear
While the COVID-19 pandemic negatively impacts our communities, it also provides a glimmer of hope. This pandemic has shown us that when faced with adversity, humanity will take the opportunity to make a difference, give back, and contribute to something bigger than ourselves. The outdoor community is making a global impact, and you can too through the contribution of repurposed outdoor gear. Your pre-loved outdoor gear can save lives and make a difference to help those in need. Whether unhoused or at the front lines saving lives, new and used outdoor gear can help!
Please join us in repurposing outdoor gear and collecting items to support the organizations below.
Goggles for Docs
Doctors, nurses, and healthcare
workers must take extra precaution so that they do not
become infected while treating those suffering
from COVID-19. As the need for PPE (Personal Protective
Equipment) grew, a New York doctor named Mike Halperin
created a creative solution to the shortage. Mike found a
way to distribute ski goggles to serve as protective eye gear,
creating this grassroots effort Goggles for
Docs to help serve hospitals across the globe.
How you can help: you can donate your own
goggles or spread the word to help gather goggles
from your community!
The process to donate goggles is simple:
- Visit
- Select a Hospital: Click the “Find a Hospital” link and choose a hospital from the list.
- Enter Info: From there just select the number of goggles that you are willing to commit and enter your information.
- Prepare: Prepare the goggles for donation by following these guidelines (or watch this video).
- Gather all your materials.
- Wash your hands thoroughly for 20+ seconds.
- Using your disinfecting wipes or spray and a clean rag, thoroughly clean your goggle preparation work area.
- Using your disinfecting wipes or spray and a clean rag, carefully wipe down/clean ALL parts of the goggles being donated and let dry.
- Once the goggles are dry, place each pair of goggles into a clean, unused ziplock bag and seal the bag.
- Mail: Mail (preferably overnight ship) the goggles to your hospital of choice.
Click Here to learn more about Goggles For Docs!
While many of us practice safe
distancing by staying home, there are some who do not have a
home to distance in. Here at Peak Adventures, we are
donating our retired outdoor gear and collecting
donations for Sac Soup Nonprofit. Sac
Soup Nonprofit collects donations and distributes them throughout
our Sacramento community to individuals who are unhoused.
We are currently accepting
- Tents
- Sleeping bags
- Tarps
- Water bottles
- Gloves
- Face masks
- Nonperishable foods (canned foods, dried fruits, packaged snacks, etc.)
- Hand sanitizer
With your help and donations, we hope to get more resources to those who are in need. Please complete this Google Form and sign-up to get started
Click Here to learn more about Sac Soup!
How Outdoor Brands Are Helping Fight COVID-19
Many outdoor brands are coming
together to fight COVID-19 through monetary donations,
repurposing factories to produce PPE, and sending their own
gear to hospitals. Read below for a running list by Outside
Online of outdoor companies that are contributing to this
How Outdoor Brands Are Pitching in to Stop COVID-19